Pushing Peugeots For Breakfast!

Hey Team,

I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas Break and getting prepared for an awesome 2024!

I pushed a Peugeot for breakfast the other morning haha.

As I was driving back from the gym to Endorph (gym to gym) I noticed a broken down blue Peugeot being pushed by a man and woman.

Luckily there wasn’t too much traffic due to the time of year.

The longer they were having to push the car for the harder it get’s.

I pulled up alongside the couple, put the passenger side window down and asked “Where are you pushing it to” – They pointed about 30metre ahead.

I followed up with “Do you want a push”

The gentlemen swiftly replied with “Yes please”

Boom, time to shine.

All my Heavy sled pushes in the gym were about to pay off. (see picture above)

(I’m kidding of course) While kind of haha.

Anyway I hopped out and started pushing (Lighter than I thought, again credit to the heavy sled pushes done in the gym)

In No time we had the Peugeot off the road and parked up at a near by garage.

That’s what I love about functional fitness. You get the chance to train in the gym which then crosses over to real life.

It’s not everyday you’ll find yourself pushing Cars off the road but it is everyday you’ll be faced with stairs, lifting things up / down. Playing with kids/grandkids or enjoying a favourite hobby.

Many people this time of year are setting new year goals based around the way we look.

It’s important to remember while looking good is great, How we are able to show up for ourselves and others is perhaps a greater goal.

Committed to your health and happiness,

Endorph fitness



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Pushing Peugeot’s for Breakfast

Pushing Peugeot’s for Breakfast
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